The quality manual is a document that guides the implementation of a quality assurance system based on National Education Standards (PP No.19 of 2005), Accreditation of BAN-PT, Indonesian National Standard (SNI) of ISO 9001: 2008 Quality Management System and guidance in IWA2 education service : 2007. This Quality Manual applies to all academic implementing units within the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science Universitas Brawijaya. The entire ISO 9001: 2008 clause is applied in accordance with the authority of each work unit in FFMS (Faculty, Department, Study Program, Laboratory, GJM and UJM).

This quality manual will guide the implementation of the quality assurance system of UB’s Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences and is a requirement of quality management system that must be fulfilled by work units within the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science Universitas Brawijaya.

FFMS UB undertakes quality assurance of education as accountability to customers who use services in FFMS UB and to develop the quality of education FFMS UB in sustainable


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